Friday, May 25, 2007

WPF Docking Library

WPF Docking Library is a library of wpf controls that I started to develop about 10 days ago. It can be usefull for integrating VS-like windows docking to a WPF application.
I published a small article explaning most important features at There you can download source code too. I'm working on a completed recoded version which is under development that I'll post there as soon as possible.
Follows a list of new features that you'll find in the new first version (1.0):

1. Floating window support.
2. Floating window appears during drag&drop.
3. Support for animated sliding panels.
4. Support for client provided styles.
5. Serialization&deserialization of docking state and locations (probabily present in 1.x)
6. Documents pane layout animations (present in 1.x)

I'd like to thank Josh Smith ( ) for his hints on library possible improvements.
If you have any suggestions let me know!

Start blogging!

My first blog! This is my personal space where I'll share my .NET developing experiences with everyone. Hope to have time to keep it updated...:)