Friday, May 25, 2007

WPF Docking Library

WPF Docking Library is a library of wpf controls that I started to develop about 10 days ago. It can be usefull for integrating VS-like windows docking to a WPF application.
I published a small article explaning most important features at There you can download source code too. I'm working on a completed recoded version which is under development that I'll post there as soon as possible.
Follows a list of new features that you'll find in the new first version (1.0):

1. Floating window support.
2. Floating window appears during drag&drop.
3. Support for animated sliding panels.
4. Support for client provided styles.
5. Serialization&deserialization of docking state and locations (probabily present in 1.x)
6. Documents pane layout animations (present in 1.x)

I'd like to thank Josh Smith ( ) for his hints on library possible improvements.
If you have any suggestions let me know!

1 comment:

Joymon said...

Gr8 Work..Really appreciate you